Friday 30 January 2009

my brain hurts/the friday rant

This is how you feel on a Friday afternoon, or is it a Monday morning? Or both! Felt a bit like this yesterday, as if my brain had started to melt, and I wasn't sure if I was going anywhere with this project. One minute you think you know and the next...doubt. So just got on with it today, seeing where the flow would take me. It feels better now. Think there needs to be some issues, challenges, controversy, argument, debate - danger of the studio becoming a cosy corner. Should we care about art school cuts and its politics, the future of art in a time of economic collapse, Gaza, whether art has any relevance to people in Glasgow, what is GOMA about, is it cutting edge, is it modern, should soap operas be banned, is the BBC right to ban the appeal for help for Gaza, did we tell them when they were in the art school, is there a life beyond this bubble?


  1. Sadly, there is life beyond this bubble...As we well know...Life of a sort...Lets not let this knowledge get in the way of our revolution. will you join us?

  2. for the moment republicofone remains thus. who's us?

  3. one mans art is another mans pile of rubbish or so the guy in the job centre said 2day....
